Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

You performed a search for: Organization / Program Name(s): Navy League of Canada, Barrie Branch

There are 3 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordNavy League of Canada, Barrie Branch, Barrie - Mailing Address

Map RecordNavy League of Canada, Barrie Branch, Barrie - Mailing AddressBarrie Boathouse answering machine 705-481-0397 (SUMMER ONLY - July and August); Barrie Armoury 705-728-3761 Ext 4805 Sponsors Navy League Cadet Corps for boys and girls (9-12 years) and Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps for boys and girls (12-18 years) Tag Days held in May and September

Map RecordNavy League of Canada, Barrie Branch, Barrie - Mailing Address, Navy League Cadet Corps #24 Chambly

Map RecordNavy League of Canada, Barrie Branch, Barrie - Mailing Address, Navy League Cadet Corps #24 ChamblyBarrie   Associated with the Navy League of Canada, Barrie Branch, teaches: * self respect * respect for others * self discipline * leadership in a naval framework * sailing and seamanship * Tag Days held in ... [More]

Map RecordNavy League of Canada, Barrie Branch, Barrie - Mailing Address, Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 53 Barrie

Map RecordNavy League of Canada, Barrie Branch, Barrie - Mailing Address, Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 53 BarrieBarrie Barrie Armoury 705-481-0397, Ext 1 Sea Cadet Corps teaches: * leadership, sailing and seamanship * have a military marching band * associated with the Navy League of Canada, Barrie Branch by sponsorship * Summer Camps held in Jul-aug ... [More]

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