Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

You performed a search for: Speech and Language Pathology

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

There are 9 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordGeorgian College, Barrie Campus - Bldg M - Room M233, Harmonize for Speech, Hearing and Language Clinic

Map RecordGeorgian College, Barrie Campus - Bldg M - Room M233, Harmonize for Speech, Hearing and Language ClinicBarrie 705-722-1561 Student-led clinic under the direct supervision of a registered Speech-Language Pathologist and registered Audiologist * open to the public for speech therapy and hearing services * March of Dimes Aph ... [More]

Map RecordHenninger Speech and Language Centre

Map RecordHenninger Speech and Language CentreBarrie 705-725-0154 Provides comprehensive speech-language pathology intervention for children and adults * offers treatment in articulation, language, voice, swallowing and cognitive-communication * service can be provi ... [More]

Map RecordInclusive Milestones Child Development Centres, Clinical Services

Map RecordInclusive Milestones Child Development Centres, Clinical ServicesBarrie 705-503-9131 A multidisciplinary team of child-centred providers, who cater to the needs of children of all abilities. Service include: Clinical Services * Speech & Language Pathology (SLP) * Applied Behavioural A ... [More]

Map RecordLyndsey Stevenato Children's Therapy Services, Barrie

Map RecordLyndsey Stevenato Children's Therapy Services, BarrieBarrie 705-792-5272 Multi disciplinary treatment centre for children affected by: * Autism (ASD) * Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) * Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) * Sensory processing disorder (SPD) * Pervasive Develop ... [More]

Map RecordOrillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Speech Language Pathology, Orillia - 170 Colborne St W

Map RecordOrillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Speech Language Pathology, Orillia - 170 Colborne St WOrillia 705-327-9153, For booking / information Services for adults with speech and language difficulties which may include: * poor understanding and/or use of language as well as motor speech disorders * reading and writing difficulties post strok ... [More]

Map RecordRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - Bradford St, Simcoe County Preschool Speech and Language Program

Map RecordRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre, Barrie - Bradford St, Simcoe County Preschool Speech and Language ProgramBarrie 705-739-5696, Intake and Referral County wide program providing speech and language assessment and treatment services to infants and preschool children through a variety of models, including intervention based education, parent coachi ... [More]

Map RecordSpeak Freely Therapy Services

Map RecordSpeak Freely Therapy ServicesBarrie 705-730-1006 Provide speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, educational consultation and psychological services, including: * assessment * treatment * training * consulting * specialize in special needs ... [More]

Map RecordSpeech Clinic (The)

Map RecordSpeech Clinic (The)Barrie 705-725-1500 Speech pathology services * provide assessment and treatment for children and adults that have difficulties with speech, language, stuttering, voice, reading, writing, feeding, autism, auditory proce ... [More]

Map RecordStroke Recovery Association Barrie and District

Map RecordStroke Recovery Association Barrie and DistrictBarrie 705-737-9202 Community-based support group focused on encouragement and initializing programs for those who have suffered a stroke Activities include: * chair exercises * pool program * social programs * speech th ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this directory is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Barrie cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.