Directory of Community Programs and Services in Barrie Ontario

You performed a search for: Youth Military Cadet Programs

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There are 5 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordCanada. Department of National Defence, Barrie Armoury, 2919 Grey and Simcoe Foresters Royal Canadian Army Cadets Corps

Map RecordCanada. Department of National Defence, Barrie Armoury, 2919 Grey and Simcoe Foresters Royal Canadian Army Cadets CorpsBarrie 705-728-3761 ext 4811 Free Canadian national youth program sponsored by the Canadian Armed Forces and the civilian Army Cadet League of Canada * program emphasizes key values such as loyalty, professionalism, mutual respe ... [More]

Map RecordNavy League of Canada, Barrie Branch, Barrie - Mailing Address

Map RecordNavy League of Canada, Barrie Branch, Barrie - Mailing AddressBarrie Boathouse answering machine 705-481-0397 (SUMMER ONLY - July and August); Barrie Armoury 705-728-3761 Ext 4805 Sponsors Navy League Cadet Corps for boys and girls (9-12 years) and Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps for boys and girls (12-18 years) Tag Days held in May and September

Map RecordNavy League of Canada, Barrie Branch, Barrie - Mailing Address, Navy League Cadet Corps #24 Chambly

Map RecordNavy League of Canada, Barrie Branch, Barrie - Mailing Address, Navy League Cadet Corps #24 ChamblyBarrie   Associated with the Navy League of Canada, Barrie Branch, teaches: * self respect * respect for others * self discipline * leadership in a naval framework * sailing and seamanship * Tag Days held in ... [More]

Map RecordNavy League of Canada, Barrie Branch, Barrie - Mailing Address, Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 53 Barrie

Map RecordNavy League of Canada, Barrie Branch, Barrie - Mailing Address, Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 53 BarrieBarrie Barrie Armoury 705-481-0397, Ext 1 Sea Cadet Corps teaches: * leadership, sailing and seamanship * have a military marching band * associated with the Navy League of Canada, Barrie Branch by sponsorship * Summer Camps held in Jul-aug ... [More]

Map RecordRoyal Canadian Air Cadets, Barrie, Barrie Silver Fox Squadron 102

Map RecordRoyal Canadian Air Cadets, Barrie, Barrie Silver Fox Squadron 102Barrie Answering machine 705-726-0588 Stimulates the interest of youth in air activities of the Canadian Forces * promotes good citizenship, leadership skills and physical fitness * instruction for how to fly a glider and a plane * schol ... [More]

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this directory is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. However, Information Barrie cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.