[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Gambling Self Exclusion Programs (1) ]
Gambling Establishment Complaints
Programs that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding the licensing, unethical or improper conduct of personnel or other business practices of casinos, card clubs, race tracks, jai alai operations, telephone or Internet gambling concerns and other organizations that offer legalized gambling.
Charitable Gambling Permits
Programs that issue permits which provide written authorization for bona fide charitable agencies, civic organizations, volunteer groups, fraternal and veteran's groups, senior citizen organizations or other legally-approved organizations to operate bingo games or other small games of chance as a fundraising activity.
Gambling Regulation
Programs that establish and enforce laws that define the types of gambling that are legal or illegal in a particular province and the conditions under which legal gambling can be conducted; and/or which license and oversee legal gambling establishments and their activities. Included are regulations for casino and riverboat gambling; First Nations casino gaming; slot machines and other electronic gaming; poker, pai gow, super pan and other cardroom gaming; bingo gaming; pari-mutuel wagering on horse races, dog races and jai alai; professional and college sports betting; provincial lotteries; telegambling using 900 numbers; and Internet gambling.
Organizations that provide opportunities for people of legal age to wager money on games of chance or other activities in hopes of profiting from the outcome.
Families/Friends of Individuals With a Gambling Disorder Support Groups
Mutual support groups whose members are the spouses/partners of people who are having difficulty controlling their compulsion to gamble; children of all ages whose parents, guardians or other parent figures are involved in problem gambling; and/or friends of those individuals. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and allow participants to share their experience, strengths and hopes to solve the problems they have in common, and to support the recovery of their loved one.
Gambling Disorder Support Groups
Mutual support groups whose members are people who are having difficulty controlling their compulsion to gamble. Families and friends may also be welcome. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; provide emotional support, information and resources to help participants come to terms with their addiction; and may include faith-based and secular 12-step groups as well as non-12 step groups.
Gambling Disorder Counselling
Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for people who are having difficulty controlling their compulsion to gamble, and for their families. Some programs may include a financial counselling and/or management component which helps individuals deal with issues related to their spending and accumulated debt.
Gambling Disorder Prevention Programs
Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of compulsive gambling through a variety of educational interventions which help people understand the nature of a gambling disorder (gambling that causes psychological, physical, social or vocational disruptions in the lives of people for whom gambling is an issue); the risk factors and warning signs; and sources for treatment and support. Included are prevention programs that address specific target populations (e.g., helping professionals, people who are at risk for the problem or people who are concerned about their own gambling or the gambling of someone they care about) as well as those that are intended to reach the community at large. Delivery formats may include printed materials, videos or websites that address the subject and presentations in schools and agencies and to family groups.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.