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Programs that provide for the formal supervision of people who have been conditionally released from jail, prison or other confinement after serving part of the term for which they were sentenced based on the judgment of a parole board that there is a reasonable probability that they will live and remain at liberty without violating the law. People who are on parole remain in the legal custody of the province and may be reincarcerated if they violate the terms of their parole order.
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Parole Related Crime Victim Services
Programs that provide opportunities for crime victims who have filed a written request and/or immediate family members to have input into proceedings where decisions regarding an offender's suitability for parole will be made. Services may include the ability to submit in-person, written, video or audio taped impact statements to the hearing panel; the opportunity to attend parole hearings personally or via videoconferencing and provide information to the paroling authority at the time the offender is being considered for parole; and the right to restitution as a condition of parole.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.