[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Educational Testing (5) ]

Test Proctoring

Programs that make arrangements for the presence of individuals to supervise the administration of written examinations and performance tests to ensure that students and others who are taking exams have no assistance of any kind during the testing process and that other rules are followed. Proctors maintain the security of test materials; ensure that only authorized persons are admitted to examinations; distribute examination material; make sure candidates are marking their papers in an appropriate manner; ensure that examinees do not leave the examination room without authority and that no examination materials are taken from the room; maintain order and quiet in the examination room; gather and check examination material; and time, evaluate and record achievements of candidates on performance tests.

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Vocational Assessment

Programs that administer tests which measure an individual's skills, abilities, interests, personality traits and other attributes for success in different occupational areas or specific positions. Also included are programs that allow people to "try out" jobs in the community for short periods of time to determine whether there is a fit and, in the case of people with disabilities, to determine the type of supports the individual might require to succeed if hired for that type of job.

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.