[ Browse by Service Category : Criminal Justice and Legal Services : Sub-Topics of Judicial Services (11) ]

Court Accompaniment for Offenders

Programs that provide support for people who have been charged with an offence by having a staff member or volunteer attend with them when they appear in court.

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Court Filing Offices

Divisions or programs of the court that accept and file actions, petitions, motions or other applications from the public for the purpose of obtaining a ruling or order directing some action in favour of the applicant. Court filings are generally completed by a lawyer on behalf of a client, though some jurisdictions may permit (but not recommend) filing by clients on their own behalf.

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Court Orientation Programs

Programs that provide information for people who will be appearing in court regarding court procedures and what they can expect in their hearings. Included may be information for people who have been charged with an offense, victims of or witnesses to crimes called to testify in court, people involved in civil litigation cases, people representing themselves in court and others involved in legal proceedings. Also included are orientation programs for people involved in mediation, arbitration or other processes for resolving disputes.

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Pretrial Release

Programs that provide for the release of individuals who have been charged for a crime prior to their trial date and allow them to return to their homes while awaiting their scheduled appearance in court. Options include release without a bail hearing, where the police may decide to release the person charged with an offence without the need to appear before a judge; and release after a bail hearing, which must be held within 24 hours of the individual's arrest. Bail may be denied or granted with or without conditions.

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Provincial/Federal Crown Counsel

Programs that are part of the provincial or federal judicial system that are responsible for prosecuting, in the name of the government, individuals who have been accused of an offence.

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.