[ Browse by Service Category : Community Groups and Government/Administrative Offices : Sub-Topics of Civic Groups (39) ]


Organizations or groups that provide assistance, usually in the form of donations or volunteer services, to aid the work of a school, church, hospital, charitable institution or public or private agency that provides human services for the community.

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Fraternal Orders

Voluntary nonprofit associations, also known as fraternal societies or benefit associations, that are organized for the mutual aid and benefit of their members. Fraternal orders have a lodge system of organization, a representative form of self-government and do business in confidential meetings which often involve secret ritual. They generally provide death benefits and, in some cases, benefits related to accident, illness or old age, mainly through a form of insurance known as fraternal insurance; and many undertake community improvement, educational, religious or other charitable projects as part of their activities.

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Service Clubs

Organizations whose members are business and professional men and/or women, housewives, students or other individuals who have a common interest in improving the life of the community, which raise funds through events such as barbecues, theatre parties, art shows or telethons to finance any of a wide variety of community service projects that have been selected by the membership. Most service clubs are chapters of national or international organizations.

[ View Programs and Services (32) | Related Topics ]

Veteran Membership Organizations

Programs whose members are veterans who have joined together on a voluntary basis to promote mutual interests. Activities may include advocacy for the preservation and expansion of earned privileges and benefits, testimony before legislative bodies on issues affecting veterans, awards and other measures for promoting appreciation of and recognition for veterans and their accomplishments, community service programs, and social activities for members. Some organizations may provide active support for the democratic principles of religious and political freedom; offer benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, credit cards and financial planning services for members; or maintain special burial funds to help indigent veterans and their families.

[ View Programs and Services (11) | Related Topics ]

The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.