[ Browse by Service Category : Community Groups and Government/Administrative Offices : Sub-Topics of Community Action/Social Advocacy Groups (40) ]

Cultural Heritage Groups

Organizations that work for the preservation and promotion of the traditions, values and lifestyles of different cultural groups; organize activities and events which promote cultural exchange locally, regionally and nationally; and seek to encourage understanding and respect for different cultural heritages among youthful members of the group as well as the mainstream population.

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Employment Related Advocacy Groups

Organizations that advocate for or oppose measures that affect the terms or conditions of employment or the workplace environment. These measures may address equal pay standards; minimum/living wage requirements; occupational health and safety concerns; worker/employer rights; employee benefits including workplace child care; employment discrimination based on age, race, gender, or ethnic background; affirmative action/equal opportunity practices; sexual harassment on the job; workplace violence; hours issues including a shortened work week and flexible work hours; telecommuting; unemployment benefits; self-employment; and other similar issues.

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Environmental Improvement Groups

Organizations that work for the introduction of new legislation or changes in current laws or practices that will more effectively protect the physical environment from pollution, exploitation or waste and/or preserve our natural resources, including our wildlife, for enjoyment by future generations.

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Homelessness Advocacy Groups

Organizations that support measures that address the needs of people who are, or are at risk of becoming, homeless including the need for shelter, transitional housing, permanent housing, medical care and basic human rights.

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Housing Advocacy Groups

Organizations that advocate for constructing, renovating or otherwise improving the availability of safe, affordable rental and purchasable housing for low-income individuals and families, older adults, people with disabilities, migrant workers and others who are unable to purchase a home or rent a home or apartment under current market conditions or who are forced to spend an excessively large proportion of their income on housing to the detriment of other necessities.

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Human Rights Groups

Organizations that work for legislation and other social measures that will more effectively protect the rights of the community as a whole or those of specific groups within the community.

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Neighbourhood Improvement Groups

Organizations whose members are usually residents of a particular community or neighbourhood who work together to remedy deficiencies in existing neighbourhood conditions or to enhance conditions that are currently satisfactory.

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Political Action/Lobbying Groups

Organizations that work for the introduction, passage or defeat of one or more specific pieces of legislation through attempts, including personal solicitation, to influence the way legislators vote or the content of the legislation they introduce. Also included are organizations that utilize picketing, leafleting, guerrilla theatre, demonstrations, speak-outs and other similar tactics to educate the public or government representatives about a particular issue or point of view and/or to influence policy development and implementation or have an impact on the general political climate.

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.