[ Browse by Service Category : Consumer Regulation : Sub-Topics of Records/Licences/Permits (26) ]

Adoption Records

Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide copies of records which document that the parental rights and duties of an individual's birth parents have been terminated and assigned to his or her adoptive parents.

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Beer/Liquor Licences and Permits

Programs that issue licences that provide written authorization for bars, restaurants and other similar establishments to serve alcoholic beverages to the public. Also included are programs that issue special occasion permits for events held in public places where alcohol is to be sold or served, such as weddings, fundraisers and receptions.

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Birth Certificates

Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide copies of birth certificates, i.e., documents which certify the date and place of a person's birth as well as his/her parentage. Available in most jurisdictions are authorized copies which are required to obtain a driver’s licence, passport, Social Insurance card and other services related to an individual’s identity; and informational copies which cannot be used to establish a person’s identity. Only individuals designated by law have access to authorized copies of a person's birth certificate.

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Boat Registration

Programs that issue documents which certify that boats, ships and sailing vessels meet legal and safety requirements and are authorized to be moored in harbours and marinas and used in public waters.

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Charitable Gambling Permits

Programs that issue permits which provide written authorization for bona fide charitable agencies, civic organizations, volunteer groups, fraternal and veteran's groups, senior citizen organizations or other legally-approved organizations to operate bingo games or other small games of chance as a fundraising activity.

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Child Custody Orders

Official documents registered and maintained within the provincial court system that identify the adult or agency with the legal authority and duty to manage the affairs and care of a minor child and, where relevant, the visitation rights and shared parenting responsibilities of the noncustodial parent.

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Death Related Records/Permits

Programs that issue, maintain and, where appropriate, provide access to or copies of documents that relate to an individual's death.

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Divorce Records

Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide access to or copies of the official document that dissolves a marriage relationship between two people.

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Driver Licence Testing Sites

Programs that establish facilities where people can come to take their written driver's examination and/or road test. Some sites may be limited to a particular type of test, e.g., a weighing station that provides testing for commercial drivers. Included are both the sites where examinations are conducted and the organizations that oversee them.

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Driver Licences

Programs that issue permits which provide written authorization for an individual to operate a motor vehicle on public roads and highways following successful completion of a written and/or driving examination and a vision test. These programs also renew driver licences that are about to expire, replace driver licences that are lost or stolen, and process name and address changes.

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Firearm Permits

Programs that issue permits which provide written authorization for individuals to purchase rifles, automatic revolvers, shotguns and other portable firearms. Included are programs that license the use of firearms for hunting and other recreational purposes as well as for personal protection.

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Fishing Licences

Programs that issue permits that provide written authorization for individuals to take fish from public waters during approved fishing seasons.

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Hunting Licences

Programs that issue permits that provide written authorization for individuals to pursue, shoot, kill, capture, trap, snare or net game birds, game fowl or game animals during approved hunting seasons. Included are licences for archery hunting using a bow and arrow; hunting with muzzle loading firearms, rifles, shotguns or handguns; crossbow hunting (which may be illegal in some jurisdictions); and trapping game using traps, deadfalls or other devices. Hunting licence requirements vary from province/territory to province/territory and may include provisions for completion of hunting/trapping safety courses.

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Identification Cards

Programs that issue documentation that is designed to prove the identity of the person carrying it.

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Land Records

Programs that maintain for use by the public, real estate maps which show the owner, the assessed value and the legal description of the property.

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Law Enforcement Records/Files

Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide access to records and/or files kept by federal, provincial or local police agencies, the courts or other agencies that relate to the investigation of individuals or organizations suspected of criminal activity; the commission and reporting of crimes; the arrest of criminal suspects; the indictment, conviction and sentencing of criminal offenders; and/or the confinement, probation/parole and release of offenders.

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Legal Name/Gender Marker Change Documentation

Programs that are responsible for managing requests from members of the public who want to legally change their name and/or gender marker on their birth certificate. Legal name changes are typically processed by the office of vital statistics or court of justice depending on the provincial/territorial jurisdiction; applicants receive or may request an updated birth certificate that can be used to request the change of name with other government agencies. A legal name change application is generally not required after marriage.

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Marriage Certificates

Programs that maintain copies of the instrument which certifies that a marriage between two people has taken place. The marriage certificate is executed by the individual officiating at the marriage and serves as evidence of the marriage.

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Motor Vehicle Registration

Programs that issue licence plates for automobiles and other motor vehicles as evidence that the vehicles have been registered with the proper authorities and are authorized to be parked or driven on public roads and highways.

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Parking Permits

Programs that issue special decals or other official devices that authorize the bearer to park his or her vehicle in specified restricted areas. Included are parking stickers for people who have disabilities; overnight, weekend or special events parking passes; and other similar permits.

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Federal government offices that receive and process applications for new, renewable, lost, stolen or damaged passports. Also included are those Service Canada Centres (currently about half) which accept general passport applications (adult or child) and simplified passport renewal applications, and review them to make sure they are accurate and complete, validate original citizenship documents, accept payment, and forward the application package for processing. Passports are official documents which identify citizens, serve as written authorization from government authorities for citizens to travel abroad and, in effect, request foreign powers to allow bearers to enter and pass freely and safely.

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Pleasure Craft Operator Cards

Programs that issue permits providing written authorization for an individual to operate watercraft fitted with a motor and used for recreational purposes, following successful completion of a Transport Canada accredited test. Competency tests are offered in conjunction with approved boating safety courses (which may be taken in class, online, by correspondence), but may also be taken independently by people who prefer to study on their own.

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Social Insurance Number Documentation

The federally administered program that provides Social Insurance Numbers, now issued in paper format (rather than plastic card format) for people who need to register for employment or financial benefits, report their taxes and track their benefits. Also included are programs that replace Social Insurance cards or documents when they are lost or stolen. Production of the plastic SIN card has stopped; however SIN cards that are not expired and are currently in circulation can still be used.

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Support Orders

Programs that register, maintain and, where appropriate, provide certified copies of judgments, decrees or orders issued by the court for the support and maintenance of a child or spouse including a child who has attained the age of majority under the law of the issuing jurisdiction or that of the parent with whom the child is living. Support orders can incorporate the provision of monetary support, health care, payment of court costs and arrears, or reimbursement of court costs and legal fees, interest and penalties, and other forms of relief.

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Title Registration/Titles

Programs that issue, transfer, maintain on file and, where appropriate, provide access to the official document that transfers ownership of property of any kind from one individual to another or which otherwise provides evidence of the individual's entitlement to the property.

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.