[ Browse by Service Category : Consumer Regulation : Sub-Topics of Regulations/Standards (10) ]
Accessibility Related Standards/Legislation Compliance
Programs that ensure that physical spaces (including buildings, parking lots, sidewalks, parks and other areas that are used by the public) are safe and free from obstacles which prevent access by people who have disabilities; that technologies (including software applications and operating systems, Web based information and applications, telecommunications products, video and multimedia products, and commercial products such as information kiosks, calculators and fax machines) have features which support accessibility; and that enhancements which improve accessibility are implemented wherever possible. Compliance is addressed by various aspects of the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Employment Equity Act, in addition to any applicable provincial legislation such as the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
Alcohol Regulation
Programs whose mandate is to enforce laws regulating the manufacturing, distribution, sale and consumption of alcohol in a particular province.
Cannabis Regulation
Programs whose mandate is to enforce laws regulating the testing, manufacturing, distribution, sale and consumption of cannabis products including marijuana, hashish, hash oil, edible forms of cannabis and other derivatives as well as synthetic products such as K2/Spice that people might use as an alternative to cannabis.
Consumer Disclosure Laws
Programs that enforce the laws that protect the consumer from deceit or fraud in the marketplace by requiring that the parties to a transaction reveal all facts which are essential to an intelligent assessment of that transaction and to providing informed consent.
Consumer Safety Standards
Programs that protect consumers from hazardous or harmful consumer goods through enforcement of laws that establish standards for the purity, safety and wholesomeness of food and the safety and effectiveness of drugs and consumer products.
Dangerous Weapons Control
Programs that establish and enforce laws which control the conditions under which guns and other dangerous weapons may be purchased or otherwise obtained and used. These programs describe the types of weapons that may be possessed, define the individuals to whom dangerous weapons may be sold and the conditions under which they may purchase them, and provide guidelines for circumstances under which police and other authorities may confiscate weapons that have been obtained or used illegally.
Gambling Regulation
Programs that establish and enforce laws that define the types of gambling that are legal or illegal in a particular province and the conditions under which legal gambling can be conducted; and/or which license and oversee legal gambling establishments and their activities. Included are regulations for casino and riverboat gambling; First Nations casino gaming; slot machines and other electronic gaming; poker, pai gow, super pan and other cardroom gaming; bingo gaming; pari-mutuel wagering on horse races, dog races and jai alai; professional and college sports betting; provincial lotteries; telegambling using 900 numbers; and Internet gambling.
Gambling Self Exclusion Programs
Programs that provide a way for people to voluntarily ban themselves from a casino, other gambling establishments and online gambling and betting sites in order to deal with gambling problems. The programs may be mandated by the government or voluntarily established by casinos and other gaming operators. The casino agrees to remove the self-excluded person from its direct mail lists and to revoke privileges for casino services such as casino-issued markers, player club/card privileges and on-site cheque-cashing. Self-exclusion programs vary widely in terms of their administration and the number of years a person remains on the self-exclusion list once signed on to the program (many require a lifetime ban); and under most agreements, the individual risks trespassing charges if she or he attempts to return to the casino and forfeits any winnings. In addition to casinos, many racetracks and even a few provincial lotteries may offer self-exclusion programs in which anyone can enroll. Online betting and gambling sites also have arrangements for self exclusion which can be short-term cooling off periods set by the player for seven days to several months or longer, or permanent arrangements. Once a player permanently excludes him or herself, the ban is irrevocable, players are not allowed to open a new account or change a 3 month ban to a 7 day ban. Many online gaming operations host a number of different platforms, so self-exclusion from one platform will generally carry over to all other platforms. During the time a player is self excluded, their player account is also frozen, so they are not eligible to make any withdrawals. Once their chosen cooling off period is completed, their account is reinstated and they can either resume gameplay or they can cash out their account entirely. In some juristictions, players who are self-excluded from casino play are automatically excluded from online play.
Labour Standards and Practices
Programs that establish and enforce legislation which protects the working public from exploitation and unsafe working conditions.
Product Quality Standards
Programs that establish and enforce for the benefit of producers, marketers and the public, uniform standards for grading products which are indicative of product quality; and standards for the freshness, purity, wholesomeness and hygienic conditions for processing domestic, imported and exported food and food products.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.